Play the Chess Masters

In the Vidigami albums, you may have noticed the pictures of the regular, ongoing chess matches on the Borg Campus (upper school boys) each afternoon. Between lunch and dinner, you can often see ten regulars players at the boards, as many as four games going on, and a few spectators.

While the matches include many boys, and players move in-and-out of their seats at the tables, Maurice and Harrison stand as Wolfeboro’s chess masters.


Maurice and Harrison are Wolfeboro’s strongest players.

You’ll often find Maurice and Harrison teaching each other during quieter times with other players watching and learning.  Maurice and Harrison spend a good deal of time teaching.  Some players seek advice on openings and endings.  And, Wolfeboro’s chess masters also set puzzles and situations for other students to study.

“In order to learn, you have to first see the board better…We teach them openings so they know how to open up the game and be strong,” explains Maurice.

I asked Maurice if anyone has beaten him or Harrison yet.

“Not yet.  Everyone’s gotten better.”

We’ll find out how much better during this weekend’s chess tournament.